Correspondence Management

Correspondence Management

Correspondence Management software with a proven track record.

For over 5 years Elected Technologies’ correspondence management systems have been at the heart of UK democracy. Every day, tens of thousands of emails and letters flow through our systems and are tracked, actioned and responded to. By utilising Elected Technologies tools such as Caseworker and CaseworkerGov, every organisation can have access to the same powerful, tried and tested tools that allow small teams of dedicated staff to deal with millions of annual enquiries.

  • Your process embedded

    Regardless of how complicated your existing process may be it can be built within Caseworker’s powerful workflow and automation systems. Multiple steps and multi stage approval processes are a snap, whilst task assignment across teams is easy to setup, and just as easy to track. No code required just a simple easy to use interface, or work with our team of consultants to map your processes and implement them digitally. 

    For organisations that want to take a free-form approach,  Caseworker and CaseworkerGov are still there for you. Caseworker’s integrated email and letter writing tools mean everything you do is logged and instantly available. Our collaboration tools bring an end to the round-robin email, making it quick and easy to work with colleagues. 

  • Automate the mundane

    Staff shouldn’t have to waste time with logging and data entry. Caseworker’s automation features work on three powerful levels.


    Powerful email parsing automatically matches emails to existing customer and contact lists, whilst integrated web forms make structured data collection a breeze.


    Caseworker’s workflow system can automatically suggest next steps based on contextual awareness; perhaps it’s to draft an email using a particular template as a starting point, maybe it’s to assign a task to a particular team but with a suggested approach or helpful note.

    Hands Free

    Automated steps and processes that take place without user interaction. Automatic escalation of overdue tasks and correspondence can be set up quickly and ensures your team stays within their SLAs. Whilst automatic assignment and task routing reduces the time staff have to spend on administering the process, allowing them to focus on the work.

  • A single place for everything

    One single view of a correspondent, including all your past interactions; one single place for every interaction you’ve had. No more switching between email, shared folders, chat and spreadsheets, it’s all in one place, all searchable, all easy to find.

  • Templating

    Support your staff and agents in delivering rapid and standardised responses. Individual and team templates reduce the time taken to respond to common queries and issues. Features like bulk logging and quick replies further reduce your teams need to enter data and allow enmasse logging and responses to large volumes of the same enquiry.

  • Data integrations

    Caseworker’s powerful API and automation triggers allow easy integrations with other systems, be it existing CRMs, data stores, websites and more. Compatibility with Office 365, Google Workspace and Azure AD make single sign on and email integration simple.

  • Reports and Insights

    A good correspondence process should close the feedback loop, helping you identify recurrent themes and feeding back to the business to deliver continuous improvement. With Caseworker and CaseworkerGov you can easily access detailed statistics and monitoring dashboards to produce real insight from your correspondence process.

    At the same time you need data to empower your process. Team based dashboards allow the monitoring of individual and group performance against SLA’s supporting you in identifying process bottlenecks or staff that need additional support.

What our clients think about Caseworker

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